School Anthem

School Anthem

Rich Toward God, Freely for Him

God’s reign comes in splendid power in the hearts of the elect
Calling in this needed hour, strong He speaks to full effect
Faithful to His constant Word proclaiming loud the glorious reign
King of Love, His heart is stirred, and He calls the lost again.


Toward God, rich toward God
Heaven is ours!
Father’s bountiful grace, new life in the Son
Living by the Spirit’s power
Toward God, rich toward God,
Fill us to the brim!
O wealth accrued, joyful beatitude,
We cry, “Freely for him!”
We cry, “Freely for him!”

Asia’s sons and daughters true, hear with heart the age-old call
Share the Word, walk with the lowly; we’ve been richly blessed with all
Neither weight of work nor oppressor, draws us from His fields of grace
Light with joy and comfort, we see our Father’s face.


No poverty nor wealth, we receive our daily bread
No fortune nor fame, but your loving friendship instead
Tho’ the days be long, and we’re tried without, within
Our Strength and Song, is Christ the Victor, the King.

English Lyrics: Fong Choon Sam
Music: Er Yenn Chwen
2014 © Er Yenn Chwen and Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore