From the President's Office

Welcome and Goodbye!

July 2024 Issue

This is my last President’s Message. My last day with BTS is 31 July.

First, I want to welcome and introduce Peter Tang as the incoming Honorary Interim Managing Director.

Each word in his title has a meaning. “Honorary” means that he is doing this pro bono. It also means that he sees his service to the Lord in this post as a privilege given by the Lord. “Interim” means this temporary assignment will not exceed the incoming academic year. “Managing Director” (MD) means that Peter is already a Director of BTS, but the Board has bestowed on him the management authority of the president.

Peter has been a leader in the Baptist community for decades. He was and is a deacon of Calvary Baptist Church. He was the last Executive Director of the Singapore Baptist Convention (SBC) before Rev Dr Bobby Lee. He was the previous Chairman of the SBC before Rev Edwin Lam’s present term. He was instrumental in securing the site and funding for the Baptist Centre. God has perfectly shaped Peter to “stand in the gap” for the seminary at this time.

I have served with Peter for about 12 years on the Management Board of BTS. What impressed me the most about Peter is his character. He does not say much, but what he says has weight. You can always count on him when help is needed. He is kingdom-minded and will sacrifice personal comfort to see God’s agenda through. He does not rush into things but prays through critical issues before making a decision. He is an apt role model for a spiritual leader for the next generation. We are blessed to have Peter as the MD.

Finally, it is time for me to say “goodbye”. Quite a bit has happened in BTS in the last four years besides a close fellowship with Covid-19. As I leave, I want to share a few prayers for BTS:

    1. For our students: I pray that they will come “to know Christ deeply and make him known to the nations.” (Columbia International University’s motto)
    2. For our faculty and staff: I pray that they will “expect great things from God and attempt great things for God” (William Carey)
    3. For our Board: I pray that they will lead by “wisdom (to interpret the times), prayerfulness (to depend on the Lord), and servanthood (to consider others as more important).”

“Goodbye” is an interesting word. The Oxford English Dictionary traces it back to the 16th century. As people got lazier, we started combining a few words into one. And so the greeting “God be with you” was condensed into a shorthand form – “goodbye”.

Dear friends, as I say “goodbye”, I am praying a short prayer that “God be with you.” And I wish with the apostle Paul that “you will know Him, the power of the risen Lord, and the presence of His fellowship as you go through tests” (Phil 3:10). Thank you so much for your partnership in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rev Peter Lin





