From the President's Office

Message from the President's Office

August 2024 Issue

I commenced my role as BTS Interim Managing Director on 1 August. It is a humbling honour and personal privilege to serve alongside BTS faculty and staff in our shared commitment to exalt the Lord our God in equipping lay ministers and cultivating missional pastors to strategically engage Asia’s harvest. I take on the role with trepidation as it has never occurred to me, either in my wildest dreams or wishes, to perform duties in the BTS President’s office. I soldier on assured of your prayers and support. I am very thankful for the many words of encouragement to stand in the gap till the Lord sends BTS its next President.

President Peter Lin sacrificed and did much during his four years with BTS. I wish to see him leave happily and carefree to enjoy his next phase of life with Michelle and their family in the US. Four years ago, he accepted the Lord’s disruption of his retirement plan when he left Queenstown Baptist Church after successfully passing the pastoral baton to Rev Isaac Teng. He accepted our Macedonian call then to helm BTS for three years, despite the gloom and doom created by the COVID-19 pandemic. He even stayed an extra year. He injected hope, confidence and stability into the BTS team during his term. Classrooms and teaching methods were adapted to incorporate online streaming technologies to continue lessons onsite and via Zoom. There were increased interactions with churches and supporters. He was instrumental in developing and launching the Advanced Institute of Ministry (AIM) to equip lay leaders with theological understanding and spiritual formation to serve alongside their pastors as spiritual leaders.

Peter and Michelle will fly home to the US on 17 August. We wish them well and a well-deserved rest as they seek the Lord for His next call. Though absent in the body from us, Peter Lin will always be our BTS ambassador at large and at heart.

The President Search Committee is actively engaging with suitable candidates to be the next BTS President. Meanwhile, I accepted the role to stand in the gap. I am not theologically trained to helm a theological seminary so the Board agreed that I would function as Managing Director instead of as Acting President. By doing so, the Board is also mindful not to impose additional workload on any faculty member acting as Interim President. This appointment is an unexpected new development in my current life stage and commitment. I covet your prayers for heavenly wisdom and spiritual strength to helm BTS in accordance with God’s will.

BTS had its Convocation Service on 19 July, entering its 36th year with 22 new students and a student enrolment of 57 from 7 nations. We are together at BTS, not by accident, but by divine appointment for a royal purpose. That purpose is to begin our teaching and learning journey of knowing God through the inspired, inerrant and infallible Scriptures, and be “approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15, NKJV). From the account of God’s call to Abram to leave Ur of the Chaldeans to settle in a new land, build a great nation and be a spiritual blessing to all the families of the earth (Gen 12), BTS students were encouraged to begin their learning journey to trust in the lord, testify to His presence and uphold the truth.

I go where the Lord leads and do what He wills. Notwithstanding this short interim period without a full-time seminary president, remember all of us at BTS in your prayers that we will do our best as a cohesive team. Pray that we will faithfully discharge our duties to equip theologically men and women the Lord sends our way, and send them out to be spiritual leaders in churches and mission fields for His glory and the extension of His Kingdom.


Peter Tang
Interim Managing Director





