Course Description
Field Education
Field Education
FLDED 0011
The overarching aim of Field Education is to help the student develop cognizance, competence and character that will enhance their effectiveness in ministry. Thus, the emphases will include: nurturing personal spirituality; developing relational skills; reflecting theologically; learning through ministry events. Students will have opportunity for experiential learning and reflection through attachment with a field supervisor for weekly interaction in a ministry setting. The setting may be in a church, a mission agency or any other Christian agency. A minimum of 120 hours of off-campus ministry are required for this internship. Students will also attend weekly class sessions for training in basic church ministry skills such as ministering the ordinances; conducting various kinds of services and meetings; and maintaining personal, family and ministry health. 1 hour.
Field Education Inter-Semester Internship
FLDED 0012
This course is open to students who have completed 4 semesters of FLDED 0011. It aims to help students acquire, reinforce and refine their ministry knowledge and skills through extended experiential learning. Students will have the opportunity to explore the full-orbed functions in a chosen field of ministry by giving up to 120 hours to an off-campus block placement during the inter-semester periods in the months of June, July, November and December. Besides internship in pastoral ministry, students may also be placed in a variety of settings that include social concern and institutional ministries. Students are encouraged to participate in placements that are not only related to their future pastoral involvement but also placements designed to expand their understanding of ministry in the contemporary Church. Final year students can do their internship over 4 full working weeks during the inter-semester period. Arrangement can also be made to spread it over 2 semesters. 2 hours.
Missions Experience and Reflection
FLDED 0013
This course is for MAINCS students. Its aim is to help students gain missiological insights and missionary skills through immersive cross-cultural experiences. Students will meet with the instructor to negotiate an appropriate period and learning site for short-term trips lasting from one to four weeks. Besides relating to people of different worldviews and value systems and serving in a particular ministry, students will undertake to write a journal for the purpose of reflecting on their spiritual and ministry development. 1 to 4 hours, depending on duration of the practical experience.