From the President's Office

Message from the President's Office

October 2024

Technological innovations have radically transformed the world. Automation with the digital revolution will soon be overshadowed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which threatens to displace humans with robots. Is such technical advancement always a boon and never a bane? I do not think so.

I watched a recent video clip of our Minister of Education, Mr Chan Chun Sing, engaging with a group of children in which he held up two drawings. The first one showed a robot teaching a group of students. The other showed a teacher teaching the same group of students. He asked the class, “Who do you prefer to teach you, the robot or your teacher?” The children unanimously replied, “Our teacher!”. Surprised, Mr Chan asked them why. The children unassumingly answered, “Because only the teacher can care for us!”. What a consolation to know that only human beings, created in the image of God, can touch one another with love, care, kindness, mercy and a host of other human expressions that machines cannot do.

Last month, teachers across many nations were honoured on Teachers’ Day. BTS students planned, organised and led a special celebration feast to express their appreciation to BTS lecturers with presents, testimonies and special items. The tributes to lecturers came fast and furiously. Many testified to how much they treasured the lessons taught, with some repeating or imitating flawlessly the lecturers’ distinctive statements or habits, all for a good laugh. Sitting amid the celebration, it was unmistakably clear that all the tributes mentioned the care and concern of lecturers that kept them motivated and moving as they coped with the rigours of theological studies.

Our BTS lecturers do more than just lecture. They love their students and are delighted to groom them to bloom into men and women after God’s own heart. I have seen them in action – competent, conscientious and compassionate. I thank God for each one of them: Drs Gary Choong, Fong Choon Sam, Kris Chong, James Lee, Steven Lim, Ng Boon Hui and Nehemiah Quek; augmented with our adjunct lecturers: Bill Fung, Violet James, Liew Yoo Kiang, Samuel Ng, Emmanuel Ong, Ooi Boon Keow, Sim Swee Kee, Sun Po Ling, Isaac Teng, and Rodney Woo. They all deserve the double honour that the apostle Paul mentioned in 1 Tim 5:17, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching”. Therefore, I am neither ashamed nor envious of running behind them!

Lecturing at BTS, full-time or adjunct, is more than just a profession. It is a high calling entrusted with the sacred responsibility of imparting God’s Word. It is a divine mandate that reverberates far beyond the classroom walls. Every lecture, discussion, and assignment shapes the future church leader’s theological understanding and spiritual maturity. The influence is profound and far-reaching. Theological education empowers individuals and strengthens churches to impact the world for Christ. Besides advancing theological scholarship, enriching understanding and training in the interpretation of scripture, BTS plays a pivotal role in galvanising denominational unity through imparting common heritage, shared values, polity and Baptist distinctives. Some of our Baptist churches have engaged pastors from other denominations. BTS can assist in conducting training courses to help them integrate and align with Baptist polity and practices.

The Contextualised Pastoral Insititute (CPI) of BTS shapes the theological curricula, focusing on four key distinctive tracks:

  • Biblical Theology – equipping students to think and act biblically, articulating theological truths with compelling clarity
  • Missional & Pastoral – equipping students to become global disciples-pastors-leaders for effective service and pastoral care
  • Spiritual Formation – mentoring students to deepen faith and grow towards Christlikeness
  • Contextualised Learning – equipping students to biblically exegete their own culture and integrate learning within the wider Asian context

To augment the current faculty strength, BTS is seeking two qualified and suitable candidates who are passionate about their calling as seminary lecturers. Please pray with us for God to send us His chosen ones who will embrace our vision of cultivating missional pastors and equipping lay ministers to strategically engage in Asia’s harvest. The search for the next BTS President continues. There is some progress. Remember the President Search Committee in prayers as they engage with the potential candidate patiently and diligently. Help to spread the word that BTS is growing and glowing. To God be the glory!


Peter Tang
Interim Managing Director





