Story of a Beneficiary
Name: Rosaline Chan
Country: Singapore
Graduated: 2019
For the past one year, I have had many brothers and sisters in Christ who told me that they have utmost respect for people like myself, who gave up our full-time jobs to pursue a full-time theological education, who are ready to do a mid-way “career switch” and give of our lives to full time ministry upon graduation. Although I appreciated their encouragement, little did they know that behind every step that I took to getting to where I am today, serving as a full-time minister in a church ministry, it was both heartfelt struggles and God’s grace at work.
Since I am single, family was not an inhibiting consideration prior to my decision to enroll into Baptist Theological Seminary in 2014. I need not also weigh any opportunity costs as I took a break from my career. As such, it was a much easier call to make compared to others who were still holding on to a well-paying career or have mouths to feed at home.
Nevertheless, it did not mean that the route that followed was an easy one. It was full of struggles for me because even though I am a local and need not be concerned with the monthly rentals, I still have my monthly commitments like insurance premiums, bills and allowances for my parents, etc. The truth is, being a Singaporean studying in a local seminary did not lighten my load of commitments. It really was not as what many people may think; that Singaporeans have it easier just because both language and accommodation is not an issue for us. As mentioned, stopping work does not mean discontinued commitments.
Looking at how quickly the amount in my bank account was reducing, which went down to a 2-digit figure in some months, was indeed painful. I remembered there were times when I fell ill. I could not even bear the thought of spending that $30 to $50 to visit a doctor, since I knew I could put that amount to better use. In short, I must constantly think, plan, and use my money wisely. I was always thinking of ways to scrimp and save so that I can fulfill all my commitments each month. However, it was also God’s grace at work because I came to a point where I realized that although I was not in abundance, I was never lacking for the last five years. I was still gaining weight, which means I need not starve myself to save that amount of money. God showed me His grace throughout my years of studies through kind and generous people who were willing to give. They gave so that people like me could focus on God, His Word and ministry, and not let financial concerns drained me when pressure from assignments and others were piling up. What saw me through those difficult times were blessings from people. Some of whom I know, and some of whom I do not at all. I believe God has impressed upon the hearts of these kind-hearted souls to give to BTS, to give to students like myself who are in need, and who give of themselves by being a blessing to others.
I thank God not only for all these people who have blessed me financially all those times, but also for His provision to my fellow international classmates for they too are beneficiaries of God’s blessing through His people. It made life easier for us as full-time students in BTS when we could take this concern off our long list of needs. These people have my utmost respect because they are compassionate like Jesus who care for and want to bless others.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.